13 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Modal Manusia Industri HalaL: Perspektif Manajemen Islam

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    Sumberdaya dasar aktivitas setiap industri adalah manusia. Pengelola industri yang paling sukses adalah mereka yang mengelola modal manusia dengan efektif dan efisisen. Industri halal harus benar-benar halal dalam input, proses hingga produknya. Karena itu diperlukan modal manusia Islami yang produktif dalam mengelola industri halal. Studi ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menawarkan pemahaman pentingnya manajemen produktivitas modal manusia Islami, (2) membahas pola pengembangan modal manusia produktif dalam manajemen industri halal. Studi ini menggunakan analisis kualitatif terhadap berbagai literatur terkait, hingga menghasilkan deskripsi normatif. Hasil studi menyimpulkan: (1) mengelola industri halal diperlukan produktivitas modal manusia yang Islami, (2) dalam pengembangannya dibutuhkan pola manajemen bersumber dari ajaran Isla


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    In an effort to promote equitable and sustainable economic growth, the government through Bank Indonesia, including sharia banking has launched an financial inclusion policy, particularly for small and medium enterprises in the real sector. There are two strategic sectors that contribute positively to the acceleration of Indonesia's economic growth, namely the agricultural sector and Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM). However, these two business sectors are still weak in the productivity of human resources, capital, and competitiveness. This study aims to examine the relationship and financial inclusion contribution to the human capital formation in the real sector. The research method used a survey to 200 respondents in five districts/cities in Cirebon region, and analyzed using statistics. The results concluded: (1) There is a relationship between financial inclusion with human capital formation; (2) Financial inclusion contributes positively to the human capital formation of UKM in the real sector. The implication is that financial inclusion policies can support national economic growth through increasing human capital productivity and helping to expand the activities of small and medium enterprises in the real sector as well as employment in Indonesia

    Pengembangan Modal Manusia Industri Halal: Perspektif Manajemen Islam

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    Sumberdaya dasar aktivitas setiap industri adalah manusia. Pengelola industri yang paling sukses adalah mereka yang mengelola modal manusia dengan efektif dan efisisen. Industri halal harus benar-benar halal dalam input, proses hingga produknya. Karena itu diperlukan modal manusia Islami yang produktif dalam mengelola industri halal. Studi ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menawarkan pemahaman pentingnya manajemen produktivitas modal manusia Islami, (2) membahas pola pengembangan modal manusia produktif dalam manajemen industri halal. Studi ini menggunakan analisis kualitatif terhadap berbagai literatur terkait, hingga menghasilkan deskripsi normatif. Hasil studi menyimpulkan: (1) mengelola industri halal diperlukan produktivitas modal manusia yang Islami, (2) dalam pengembangannya dibutuhkan pola manajemen bersumber dari ajaran Isla


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    Development ia an effort made to create a prosperous society. Economic development is an attempt to develop economic activities aimed at generating income. With the existence of UPK DAPM through women's special savings and loans (SPP), it is expected to be able to become empowered, independent, support the family's economy and be prosperou


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    Development is an effort made to create a prosperous society. Economic development is an attempt to develop economic activities aimed at generating income. With the existence of UPK DAPM through women's special savings and loans (SPP), it is expected to be able to become empowered, independent, support the family's economy and be prosperous. The method used in this study is a quantitative method with an instrument in the form of a questionnaire or questionnaire. The population in this study is the Gabuswetan Indramayu community members who carry out savings and loans for women (SPP). The sample used was 80 respondents. The conclusions of this study are (1) There is a significant positive effect between the provision of productive capital on family economic empowerment. It is important to provide productive capital for a better future change. (2) There is a significant positive effect of entrepreneurial attitudes on family economic empowerment. That with an entrepreneurial attitude that is applied through micro-scale businesses, it can utilize its income

    Energy Conservation and Energy Management for Industry in Indonesia in Islamic Economic Perspective

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    This article will explore energy conservation as part of the national energy policy in Indonesia. Although the government has implemented a strategy for implementing energy conservation by applying energy management to the industrial sector, energy conservation still has challenges and obstacles in making it happen. By analyzing energy conservation policies and understanding the Maqasid Al-shariah framework which is the operational foundation of Islamic economics on the themes of economic energy, this paper concludes that energy conservation as part of religious obligations implemented in energy consumption behavior, because energy is the main source for sustainability human life. Therefore, moral values become the main foundation in energy conservation behavior as a reflection of the achievement of the objectives of Islamic law and energy management as a systematic effort to utilize energy in industry, not only to increase productivity through energy effciency and conservation but also to maintain sustainability towards the energy needs themselves

    Energy Conservation and Energy Management for Industry in Indonesia in Islamic Economic Perspective

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    Energy Conservation and Energy Management for Industry in Indonesia in Islamic Economic Perspective

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    Inklusi Keuangan Perbankan Syariah Berbasis Digital-Banking: Optimalisasi dan Tantangan

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    AbstrakKehadiran dan praktik bank syari’ah di Indonesia hampir tiga dekade, tetapi perkembangan bisnisnya tidak sebanding dengan waktu yang telah dilaluinya. Pada akhir tahun 2016, perkembangan bank syariah mencapai 19,67 persen, dengan pangsa pasar 5,12 persen. Pencapaian ini jelas tidak seimbang dengan potensi negara ini. Beberapa penyebabnya adalah produk dan jasa syariah yang diterima oleh nasabah, jarak ke lokasi bank terdekat, biaya yang tinggi untuk transaksi dengan volume kecil, informasi yang terbatas, tingkat pengetahuan syariah yang rendah, pendapatan yang rendah, dan antrian yang panjang ketika bertransaksi secara langsung. Ini adalah bukti dari rendahnya tingkat literasi dan inklusi keuangan syariah, masing-masing 8,11 persen dan 11,06 persen. Penting untuk mengoptimalkan inovasi untuk menyelesaikan kesenjangan layanan dengan menempatkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi melalui digitalisasi layanan sehingga hubungan antar bank dengan masyarakat menjadi lebih dekat, hemat, efisien, cepat, dan murah. Kata Kunci: Inklusi Keuangan, Perbankan Syariah, Digital Banking     AbstractThe presence and practice of sharia banks in Indonesia has been almost three decades, but the development of its business is still not comparable with the time that has been passed. By the end of 2016, the growth of sharia banking has reached 19.67 percent, with the market share of sharia banking at 5.12 percent. This achievement is clearly not comparable with the potential of this nation. Some of the causes are Sharia products and services are perceived by the people, the distance to the nearest bank office location, the high cost for small volume transactions, limited information, low level of sharia knowledge, the low-income, plus the long queue when the transaction is direct. This is evident from the low level of literacy and inclusion of Islamic finance, each of only 8.11 percent and 11.06 percent. It is necessary to optimize innovation to solve the service gap by placing information and communication technology through service digitization so that the inter-bank relationship with the community becomes closer, thrifty, efficient, quick and cheap. Keywords: Financial Inclusion, Sharia Banking, Digital Banking

    Manajemen insani dalam bisnis

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    x, 262p. : ills. ; 23 c